Ene Osijo, is called to a covert government-sanctioned committee meeting, alongside seven other individuals, led by an old friend of his, Dr. Elienai Okike. The purpose of this meeting is to propose a solution to Lagos state’s population problem via an explosive device, and then determine the focus area for the cull: The Mainland, or the I...See MoreEne Osijo, is called to a covert government-sanctioned committee meeting, alongside seven other individuals, led by an old friend of his, Dr. Elienai Okike. The purpose of this meeting is to propose a solution to Lagos state’s population problem via an explosive device, and then determine the focus area for the cull: The Mainland, or the Islands? In spite of the clash of interests evident in the meeting, Ene and Elienai reach an agreement with the other members, only to discover at the end that it was all for naught, and their troubles have only just begun.