Suicide On The Beach by Durojaiye Feranmi × Gift Ukay
Suicide On The Beach
Poetry | Poetry | 3.14k words
He hears voices.
He battles with choices –
Of life and death;
Of life after death.
He isn’t asking for more;
To be loved and cared for,
To be accepted and not cast out
Like the outlaw which he is not.
The hurt, the pains – he can no longer withstand.
The snide remarks, the world’s demand –
All too mu...See MoreHe hears voices.
He battles with choices –
Of life and death;
Of life after death.
He isn’t asking for more;
To be loved and cared for,
To be accepted and not cast out
Like the outlaw which he is not.
The hurt, the pains – he can no longer withstand.
The snide remarks, the world’s demand –
All too much,
Like a rushing wind that would sweep him off his feet simply with a touch.
“Hear me! Hear me!”
He screams.
But we don’t all listen.
Do we?
The poem trails the depressing journey of a male persona who is evidently burdened with the responsibilities accompanied with life and family.
Contrary to popular beliefs, he is weak and lost – gradually losing himself to the unending pit of a dark and depressed mind.