A collection of delicacies that leave one longing for more, nostalgic about the past and more, giving lessons like taste to hold for the future, that's how I'll describe Blackbirdie. Adorned with the diverse planets we have, Blackbirdie has definitely got us seeing certain simple planets needed to complete our world. Themes ranging from self-res...See MoreA collection of delicacies that leave one longing for more, nostalgic about the past and more, giving lessons like taste to hold for the future, that's how I'll describe Blackbirdie. Adorned with the diverse planets we have, Blackbirdie has definitely got us seeing certain simple planets needed to complete our world. Themes ranging from self-respect, self-love, joy to fulfillment, strength and grit, this bunch of goodness took me on a journey I'm far from ever forgetting.
In addition, apart from the fact that these weighty life lessons were brought to me through the life of a special kind of bird, the writer also made my reading journey by the use of simple diction and other poetic terms like rhymes, metaphors and brilliant imagery. These poems are motivation pieced into poems.
In all, the story telling form complemented by the structural pattern at which the words were weaved into gives it a relatable and smooth comprehensive essence. This was an absolute soothing ride. Well done bard. May the rivers of your words never dry.